The social advantages of assembly line work must be considered
alongside the often serious psychological disadvantages. There can be a
loss of job satisfaction when the worker is not involved in all of the
assembly processes that lead to the finished product. The job is
repetitive and some workers are unable to take much pride in the task
itself, as they don’t have the opportunity of seeing how important
their operation is to the successful completion of the product. Boring
work may suppress the creative ability of the worker and their time out
of work may be spent so passively that life goals may disappear. The
effect of carrying out monotonous work is often excessive fatigue. With
the decline in individual craftsmanship, many unskilled operatives have
no opportunity to display their creative talent at work. Goods built on
an assembly line lack the variety that can be created by craftsmen.
This dull product uniformity can have an adverse effect on some workers
who see the same product every 20 seconds or 1350 times a day.
Assembly lines are usually installed in factories with a large
workforce. Each group within the factory is dependent upon the other
for the manufacture of the product. Strike action by one group of
workers may affect the production of the whole factory. The assembly
worker output is effective only during the time spent doing tasks. The
cycle time is fixed by the conveyor speed and so it is the periods of
time spent off the job that reduce the output.
These psychological problems often cause the assembly worker to create
avoidable delays in which they try to gain control of the rate of work.
The social effects of automation are different from those of the
division of labour. Many of the simple operations carried out by
assembly workers can be substituted with automatic workstations. By
replacing workers with automation, these repetitive tasks are executed
by machines. The displaced workers are then available to carry out
other, less tedious, tasks like supervision and inspection. The
automatic assembly machines must be fully utilised to be economically
justified. Dedicated automatic assembly machines are less flexible than
manual assembly lines. The products must be assembled in large batch
sizes. Overproduction and under-consumption lead to
inefficiency. Severe demand fluctuations and gross lack of demand
can’t be accommodated with assembly automation.
Behavioural scientists say that technology can be applied to assembly
without employing automation. They believe in job
enlargement/enrichment and argue that the division of labour has been
taken too far, to produce boring and repetitive assembly line jobs.
Job enlargement increases the number of tasks completed by a single
operator and this is intended to give more interest and variety to the
job. The same grade of worker does more complex operations. The
net effect of job enlargement is a reduction in the number of operators
per assembly line, an increase the cycle time and more flexibility, but
an overall increase in assembly costs.
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