I originally published this article under the title, “Changes in
Assembly Work Environments” in the book “Programmable Assembly”, ISBN
The role of the modern assembly worker is very different now from that
of 3 generations ago. Improvements in parts quality consistency has
eliminated the previously required skill of the apprentice trained
fitter. A new breed of unskilled assembly workers has been created,
through the division of labour, to carry out repetitive and mundane
tasks. However, many companies use assembly automation if it can
be economically justified, and after the product has been re-designed
for automatic assembly.
The development of modern assembly techniques is discussed, together
with future trends in manual and automatic assembly. Emphasis is given
to the changing needs of the people directly involved in these assembly
There has been a rapid increase in living standards in the developed
nations throughout the previous century, mostly due to the application
of technology to manufacturing. The mass production of goods has made
many items available at economic prices. Homemakers now have a
multitude of labour saving devices to reduce the amount of time spent
on household chores. This has enabled many homemakers to work in
factories which produce these goods. Assembly workers can master a
simple assembly task and repeat it for more than 1000 times per day;
every day. Working with other people on an assembly line can create a
sense of cooperation within a joint effort.
However, there has been criticism of the assembly line technique. It is
argued that the repetitive work is boring and tedious and that workers
no longer gain satisfaction from doing their job. Workers never
see the finished product and the continual repetition of movements
creates boredom. Industrial unrest in high volume manufacturing
companies has been associated with the job dissatisfaction of assembly
line workers. Manufacturers now realise that the economic benefits of
the division of labour have to be judged alongside the sociological and
psychological disadvantages.
The use of assembly automation during product manufacture eliminates
worker dissatisfaction with repetitive work, since most of the mundane
tasks are done by machines. Workers are then used to fill
magazines/feeders and to maintain the equipment. The reduced labour
content often creates a costreduction in the finished goods. The
culmination of this desirable process is an increase in leisure time,
through a reduction in the working week. Emphasis must then be
placed on how people are to spend their leisure time. This should be
the subject of major reform in our training establishments.
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